

Interview 1: Canada-Africa Agriculture

Her Excellency Fatima Braoulé Méïté, Ambassador of Mali in Canada


The timing for crucial conversations on advancing Canada-Africa commercial relations, particularly in the agricultural sector, has never been more important. To make major advances, key players across the entire value chain must be at the table.

Interview 2: Canada-Africa Agriculture

His Excellency Sidique Abou-Bakarr Wai, Ambassador of Sierra Leone in the United States and High Commissioner to Canada


The timing for crucial conversations on advancing Canada-Africa commercial relations, particularly in the agricultural sector, has never been more important. To make major advances, key players across the entire value chain must be at the table.

Interview 3: Canada-Africa Agriculture

His Excellency Bafétigué Ouattara, Ambassador of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire in Canada


The timing for crucial conversations on advancing Canada-Africa commercial relations, particularly in the agricultural sector, has never been more important. To make major advances, key players across the entire value chain must be at the table.

Interview 4: Canada-Africa Agriculture

His Excellency Anselm Ransford Sowah, High Commissioner of Ghana to Canada


The timing for crucial conversations on advancing Canada-Africa commercial relations, particularly in the agricultural sector, has never been more important. To make major advances, key players across the entire value chain must be at the table.


Keynote 1: Harnessing Possibilities Across the Agriculture Value Chain

Dr. Mima Nedelcovych, Founder and Chairman, AfricaGlobal Schaffer, Washington, DC, United States


Harnessing public-private partnerships is crucial for harnessing the possibilities across the Canada-Africa agriculture value chain. Unlocking the potential of the agriculture sector remains key for development in Africa, while Canada’s expertise in the sector positions it to share best practices. This can result in a win-win.

Keynote 2: Markets, Trade, and Inclusive Value Chain Development in the Agriculture Sector.

Dr. Fred Olayele, Director, Sprott Centre for African Research and Business, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada


The case for deepening Canada-Africa commercial relations is quite compelling. And the importance of the agriculture sector for building resilient and sustainable economies for prosperity cannot be overemphasized. This speech underscores the complementarities that exist between Canada and Africa. It makes a case for maximizing both jurisdictions’ shares of a rapidly growing and dynamic global agricultural export market.


Conversation Series 1: Sustainable Innovation in the Food and Agribusiness Industry


Canada is a global leader in agricultural production, and this presents a huge opportunity. The Protein Industries Canada Supercluster initiative is an industry-led value chain consortium of small- to large-sized enterprises involved in food and food ingredient manufacturing, agriculture and food-related services, research and development, technology, economic development, finance and investment, education and training. Africa is well positioned to derive complementary benefits as Canada shares best practices in its sustainable and vibrant agriculture sector.


Bill Greuel, Chief Executive Officer, Protein Industries Canada, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Conversation Series 2: Creating Sustainable Canada-Africa Trade Partnerships


The World Bank estimates agricultural investments generate four times greater poverty reduction than other areas; financing in the sector empowers poor farmers to increase their wealth and food production. This session looks at current trends in creating sustainable Canada-Africa trade partnerships, with emphasis on exporters.


Steven Tipman, Executive Director, Trade Facilitation Office, Ottawa, Canada

Conversation Series 3: Financing Agriculture in the AfCFTA Era: Prospects and Challenges


Unlocking the potential of Africa’s agriculture sector remains key for development, but farmers on the continent remain hamstrung by inadequate funding, market fragmentation, and low productivity. Compared to other regions, intra-African trade is low. Financing remains a huge challenge, and the case for increased intra-African trade – through the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) – for sustainable economic development and integration on the continent remains compelling. The world’s largest free trade area since the establishment of the WTO in 1994, the AfCFTA is expected, among other things, to foster industrialization and create jobs.


Dr. Alex Awiti, Consultant, Center for International Forest Research – World Agroforestry, Kenya

Conversation Series 4: Agriculture, Gender Equality, and Sustainable Development


Gender equality remains a key priority in the Canada-Africa development assistance space. According to the World Bank, not only are women potential beneficiaries of efforts to achieve the SDGs, the 2030 goals cannot be realized without the participation of female entrepreneurs in sectors like agriculture. This session provides in-depth, Canada-Africa perspective on progress towards ending hunger, achieving food security, sustainable agriculture, and providing nutrition interventions to those who need them most.


Dr. Hynd Bouhia, Author and Entrepreneur, Morocco

Conversation Series 5: Rethinking the Future of Canada-Africa Agricultural Trade Networks


Compared to countries like the U.K., China and the U.S., Canada’s approach to business in Africa is subtler. Until recently, Canadian engagement on the continent has focused largely on aid and peacekeeping activities. Africa is a site of enormous economic potential, while Canada is a marginal trade and investment partner, compared to other countries. However, in recent times, Canadian firms and government agencies have continued to make significant inroads into the African market. This session focuses on mapping the opportunities and existing complementarities across the entire agriculture value chain in both jurisdictions.


Chris Dekker, President/CEO, Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada


Panel Discussion 1: Canada-Africa Agriculture: Fostering Synergies in the Food and Agribusiness Industry


The ongoing industrial revolution in Africa is expected to increase production to $1 trillion within a decade, with the food processing sector, among others, accounting for three-quarters of the anticipated expansion. With a $56 billion agriculture and agri-food products export industry, Canada is well-positioned to share expertise with African agribusiness owners and food processors interested in adding value for domestic and/or international markets. This session is aimed at exploring complementarities around increased services exports, as well as learning opportunities and best practices for the participants.


  • Dr. Pat Utomi, Chief Executive Officer, Integrated Produce City Limited, Lagos, Nigeria
  • Dr. Mandana Arabi, Vice President and Chief Technical Advisor, Nutrition International, Ottawa, Canada
  • Dr. Teddy Samy, Director, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Canada


Fergus Maclaren, Director of Knowledge Management, Economic Innovation Institute for Africa, Ottawa, Canada

Panel Discussion 2: Canada-Africa Agriculture: Technology, Climate Resilience and Agrifood Systems


Climate-smart agricultural practices continue to drive technology’s potential to revolutionize global agri-food systems. From precision agri-food technologies to the Internet of Things, the ongoing digital revolution continues to deliver profound impacts in the entire agricultural value chain. Among others, blockchain technology is helping to drive the tokenization of agriculture commodities in a bid to make them tradable and fundable. This session will explore opportunities for agri-tech companies to partner in order to scale output in a sustainable fashion.


  • Dr. Ed Mabaya, Research Professor, Cornell University and former Manager, Agribusiness Development, African Development Bank, Cote Ivoire
  • Faridah Ibrahim, Global Lead, Business Development and Partnerships, WorldFish, Malaysia
  • Dr. Tony Simons, Director General, World Agroforestry Centre, Kenya


Fergus Maclaren, Director of Knowledge Management, Economic Innovation Institute for Africa, Ottawa, Canada